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Please post your testimonials of how the Lord has worked in your life or those of your loved ones. This site is all about sharing with others the goodness that God brings to our everyday lives as well as our particularly trying times. If you have anything to share, no matter how small you may think it seems,  the Lord works in his own special way which we will never understand and that small little bit you have to share might be just the light at the end of the tunnel that God is trying to show someone who really needs it! It takes nothing to share and provide a little hope in todays world so please share generously!

Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.
if you want to overcome tell your testimony and wash your heart with the Blood of the Lamb and follow Jesus

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     Space is limited to about 100 or so characters, so please break up your posts where               possible


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